Opening hours today for Burton

09:00 - 17:30

Closed today
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday: -
  • Wednesday (today): -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday: -


🕗 Burton Opening times in Haverhill, CB9 8AD

CB9 8AD 37 High Street Haverhill, gb
Tel: 01440 761192
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When customers buy our goods, we want them to be confident that they have been produced under acceptable conditions. That means the goods must have been produced:

lawfully, through fair and honest dealing;
without exploiting the people who made them;
in decent working conditions; and
without damaging the environment.


Nearest Burton stores, Burton Haverhill

Dorothy Perkins - Haverhill, Haverhill

37 High Street, 162.0 m

Closed today

The Clarks Shop Haverhill, Jubilee Walk, Haverhill

Unit 1 Jubilee Walk, 35.9 m

Closed today

Burton Chelmsford Outfit, Chelmsford

c/o Outfit, Unit B1 Chelmer Village Retail Park, 38.5 km

Closed today

Burton Colchester, Colchester

31/32 High Street, 38.0 km

Open now, until 21:00 (in 46 min)

Burton Braintree, Braintree

25/26 George Yard, 23.7 km

Closed today

Select Haverhill- 128, Haverhill

51/53 HIGH STREET, 27.1 m

Closed today